Indragim iluziile optice pentru ca ne pun serios mintea la treaba si ne demonstreaza ca ceea ce vedem ori nu e intotdeauna real, ori pare real prin compunerea centrala a unui creier care de multe ori intervine prea mult in toata ecuatia...Analizatorul vizual nu e nici pe departe perfect. Daca era, acum nu ne bucuram de filme, de numere de magie sau simple iluzii care ne uimesc.
Va invit sa vizualizati, atat cat puteti, cateva exemple excelente!
The last picture (of the stairs with the two men) is my original, I ask you to be kind enough to clarify below the picture. The title is "Infinite walk" Thank you very much Ricardo Baigorria
"Also known as the Christmas flower, legend has it that poinsettias began as a humble weed. When a little girl – with no means for a grander gift – placed weeds on a church alter, they turned into brilliant red blooms. Symbolizing good cheer and merriment, this December birth flower is a fitting tribute to December`s joyful celebrations."
1 comentarii:
The last picture (of the stairs with the two men) is my original, I ask you to be kind enough to clarify below the picture.
The title is "Infinite walk"
Thank you very much
Ricardo Baigorria
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